lun·che·on /ˈlʌn(t)ʃ(ə)n/

  1. Finely minced pork mixed with different spices and cooked in a large sausage shape. The spice blend and different additions, e.g. coarser meat and fat pieces in Strasburg, give varieties their individual character. Luncheon is typically eaten cold in slices.
    Context: “Olivia wants a luncheon meat sandwich for lunch.”

Varieties of luncheon

An Australian invention using a selected mix of pork, spices and herbs which is smoked and cooked to perfection.
Processed meats blended with spices. Luncheon is specific to England and Australia but different regions of Australia use different names such as Windsor, polony and Bologna. Bologna is also the name of a type of luncheon in America.


Bung fritz
Famous in South Australia, the bung fritz combines pork with other selected meats and spices which are then filled into a sheep’s bung and hand-tied with string.
Named after the French city of Paris, Pariser is a delicate, fine-cut luncheon meat flavoured with garlic. The finished product has a pale pink colour.
The Berliner uses the same meat as Pariser, but a different casing. It does not originate from Berlin, as the name might suggest!