sa·la·mi /səˈlɑːmi/

  1. A type of highly seasoned sausage from the Mediterranean, usually eaten in slices. Traditional salami is fermented and then allowed to mature over many weeks to develop intense and complex flavours.
    Context: “Alexandra likes salami on her pizza.”

Varieties of salami

White Hungarian
A finely cut salami spiced with garlic and black pepper. Based on traditional recipes from Hungary, and recognisable by its white outer casing.
Hot Hungarian
A finely cut salami spiced with hot chilli, which is also based on traditional recipes from Hungary.
From Calabria in southern Italy, this salami is coarsely cut and uses the spicy chilli and peppers the region’s cuisine is famous for. One for the heat lovers!
Originating from the Italian-American community and styled from Italian Calabrese. Pepperoni is smaller in diameter than other salamis and contains a spicy chilli and pepper blend for a rich, zesty flavour.
Of Danish origin and combines finely minced pork and beef with a mild, smoky flavour.
